For quite sometime now, I have been obsessed with a musician named Jason Manns. He is based in Los Angeles, and I'm not going to lie, he is pretty dang adorable. I got introduced to him completely by accident. I was on YouTube, searching Supernatural, mainly for gag reels, and behind the scenes type stuff, when I ran into Jensen Ackles singing. Obviously, I had to stick around to watch it, and well, dang. He really can sing. He was singing with someone, a taller, curly haired guitar playing dude with a n absolutely beautiful voice. His name was mentioned in the description box, and from then on I began my fangirling.
At this point, he wasn't as known as he is now. He actually added people on his personal Facebook page, and I was one of them. I felt awesome knowing that I was his friend, even if I wasn't really his friend. I ordered every one of his CDs off of his website, along with a Tshirt, a pick card, and a poster. The poster and CDs were autographed, and personalized. This did not help my fangirl self one bit.
Now, this boy also had extreme talent. He could sing, play the guitar, and occasionally beat box. His music has always spoken to me, so much so that one of my favorite songs is tattooed on my forearm. (there's not really a flattering angle to take that photo)
When my mom passed away, I put some of his music on her slideshow, because she loved him almost as much as I did. I left him a note on his Facebook page letting him know he was played and how much it meant to me that his music, was well.. out there and allowed to be played. He sent me a personal message telling me how sorry for my loss he was, and that he felt honored to be played. If you didn't love him before, now you have to be sold.
I couldn't listen to his music for a little while after my break up. I just recently hit that point where I can again, and "let it go" played first thing.
I left a link there, because you should honestly go listen to this song. There are a few things that I need to let go of, and this was just the reminder that I needed. It's like a lightbulb went off.
"It doesn't entertain me like it used to, and I don't understand it like I used to, I let it go."
I feel this way about a lot of things in my life. I feel this way about my job, about my ex relationship, about a few friendships. I think just saying these words out loud made me realize that I do indeed need to let things go. I have a way of being stubborn, and wanting to hold on, but if it is not doing me any good, it needs to go.
I suggest going to listen to all of Jason Manns' music. It is available on ITUNES, or just hit me up, I do have it all. Maybe Jason himself will run across this blog one day. Who knows?
Thank you Supernatural for introducing me to my favorite artist of all time.
TV shows do good things, people. Good things.
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